Feel It Still-Portugal. The Man

D#       D#   D#     F#    G#  F#-A#
Can’t keep my hands  to  my-self
F#       G#   G#    G#    F#  F#    G#    G#   G#  G# F#    A#
Think I’ll dust them off, put them back up  on  the shelf
D#    D#   G#    G#    G#  G# G#   F#
Case my little baby girl  is   in  need
G# F#  G#-F#   G#  F#  G#   D#
Am  I  com-ing out  of  left field?

D#-C#      D# C# D#-C# D#  C#    D#     A#
Ooh-woo I’m  a  re-bel  just  for kicks now
D#     D#   C#-C#  A#  A#       G#-G#-G#-F#-G#     D#
  I    been feel-ing  it  since nine-teen-eigh-ty-six now
D#      D# F#-G#-F# A#   D#  D# F# G# A#
Might be     o-ve-r   now, but   I   feel it still

D#   D#-D#-D#      F#    G#   A#
Got   a-no-ther   mouth  to  feed
G#     G# G#   G# G#-G#-F#-F#  G#-G#  G#  G#    G#     F#-F#
Leave it with   a   ba-by-sit-ter,  ma-ma call the grave dig-ger
G#       G#  G#  G#-G#    F#
Gone with the fal-len leaves
G# F#  G#-F#   G#  F#  G#   D#
Am  I  com-ing out  of  left field?


D#     D#     D#  D# F#  G#   A#
We could fight  a  war for peace
G#    G# G#  G#  G#-G# F#-F#
Give  in  to  that  ea-sy  liv-ing
G#-G#      G# G#    G#     G#      A#
Good-bye to my hopes and dreams
D#       G#-G     G#  G#  G#-G#-F#
Start flip-ping for my  e-ne-mies
F# G#   F#      G#  F#-G#  F#    A#      D#     D#
Or we could wait  un-til  the walls come down
D#   G#  G# G#  G# G#-G#  F# F#
It’s time to give  a    lit-tle   to  the
G#   G# G#   G#-G#  F#  A# G# A# D#
Kids in the mid-dle but oh  til   it  falls
G#        G#-G#  F#
Won’t bo-ther me

D# F     F#-F
Is   it  com-ing (5x)
D# E    F#-G#    D#
Is   it  com-ing back

D#-C#      D# C# D#-C# D#  C#    D#     A#
Ooh-woo I’m  a  re-bel  just  for kicks yeah
A#      D#  D# C# C#-A# G#  F#    G#  G# F#-A#    D#
Your love  is  an a-byss  for my heart to e-clipse now
D#      D# F#-G#-F# G#   D#  D# F# G# A#
Might be     o-ve-r   now, but   I   feel it still


D#-D#      F#    G#   A#  G# F#  G#  G# F#-D#

Might-ve had your fill, but   I   feel  it    sti-ll


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